Goodwin Family Farms

The Oberhasli is a Swiss dairy goat. This breed is a medium size, vigorous and alert in appearance. Its colos is chamoisee (red bay with black head, legs, belly and dorsal markings). Does can be all-black in color; bucks must be traditional bay color. Mature Oberhasli does are generally 28-30" tall at the withers (top of shoulders) and weigh, on average, 120-150 lbs. Mature bucks are generally 30-32" tall at the withers and weigh approximately 150 to 175lbs. The Oberhasli is one of the most docile breed of dairy goats.
All-Time Oberhasli Milk Production Record High:
4665 lbs. of milk in 304 days (15.35 lbs/day)
All-Time Oberhasli Butterfat Production Record High:
234 lbs. (5%) in 304 days
2019 Oberhasli Breed Average (275-305 Days in Milk):
1995 lbs Milk; 73lb/ 3.7% Butterfat; 60lbs/ 3.0% Protein
2030 lbs. Energy Corrected Milk (ECM)